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Case Study

Tower LDN

How We Helped MOD Lighting Unlock Over $275,000 In Additional Monthly Revenue From Their Existing Traffic By Increasing Their Conversion Rate By 11%And Their Average Order Value By 9%.

The Problem



Overall Approach

Every project starts with research. We spoke to customers, we mined reviews,
we audited customer service logs. We didn't use much AI or automation for this
as we found it stripped away the real meaning behind what customers were
saying and just pulled out buzz words.

Initial Research

Google Analytics

We reviewed Google Analytics to identify technical blockages and determine where customers were dropping off in the funnel. We focused on the Product Detail Pages (PDP) which received substantial traffic but had a low add-to-cart rate.

Behavioural Analytics

Using heatmaps and session recording, we analyzed the PDPs to identify what
visitors saw on the page, their interactions, and any missing elements.

Customer Interviews

Premises & Hypothesis

Our premises and hypothesis were:


If you want to see the questions that we used, click the link below:

Praesent posuere

Analyzing User Experience

Nunc vel nisl ligula. Etiam vitae orci interdum, consequat risus vel, pellentesque.

Mauris convallis mi pulvinar ultricies vehicula
Mauris convallis mi pulvinar ultricies vehicula

The Process


The Results



Free Shipping at the top -
10.3% increase in conversion


Phone number in the nav -
7.5% increase in conversion


New hero image with headline -
24% increase in conversion

Hold on, there's more

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Increasing Conversion By Building Trust In The Brand

Over $275,000/Month In Additional Revenue Through Strategic A/B Testing

53% Increase Conversion Rate 23% Improvement Average Order Value Under 6 Months

Tens Of Thousands Of Pounds In Additional Revenue

Increasing Conversion By Building Trust In The Brand